Stress Management Tips

There is no question that university can be stressful at times, particularly during midterm and final exam season. Although each person is different, there are common things that many university students, including myself, do to assure that we remain calm when school starts to get overwhelming. 

One of the best ways to prematurely reduce stress levels before exams roll around is to stay on top of your studies. It helps to create an agenda that highlights the time that you will dedicate towards your readings and studying for each course. By reviewing your notes throughout the semester, you will avoid having to cram a large quantity of material a few days before your evaluations. If you find that you are having trouble sticking to an organized study plan – try working in groups so that you and your friends can hold each other accountable. 

Even with an organized agenda and a solid group of study partners, the reality is that work tends to get ahead of people once exam season begins. During these times, it is important to find a stress reliever that works for you. With the University of Ottawa campus being located in the heart of downtown Ottawa – there are many options for students looking to take a study break. Ottawa U has many recreational sports leagues for ultimate frisbee, basketball and much more. We also have two gyms on campus that can be accessed using your student card. For those looking to get away from campus on their study breaks, the Rideau Centre, the Loft Board Game Lounge and the Rideau Canal are a few ideas nearby campus that can help you take mind off of school when need be. 

While the main focus in any post-secondary program tends to be studying and finding academic success, it is vital to put time aside for yourself. By relieving stress and dedicating time towards doing the things you love – university is sure to be a more enjoyable experience. 

About the author

Victoria Sullivan is this year’s VP Internal Affairs. She is currently a second-year accounting student at the University of Ottawa’s Telfer School of Management. Next year, she will be starting her first co-op placement at Deloitte.